Like going fishing
I took six captures of this pair with my Intrepid 4x5, a 270mm lens at f16 and 1/15s, hoping the wind would stop long enough for my 1/15s shutter speed to get a minimum amount of motion blur. Making these 6 captures took more than an hour of me sitting there with the cable release and waiting for just the right moment to take the image. Large format photography is a bit like going fishing. It takes patience and you really need to enjoy the process of capturing that elusive prey/moment, otherwise you’ll hang up your gear very quickly.
I developed these negatives at home and there is something very tactile about loading the development tank, mixing the chemicals at just the right temperature, and then eventually pulling the negatives from the tank and holding the fruits of your labor in your hand. It is quite a roller coaster of emotions when you look at what worked and what didn’t, but the ones that worked make it all worth it.
Calandrinia Grandiflora, Intrepid 4x5, 270mm, 1/15s, f16, Portra 160