Landscape Captures
Painted Desolation
Awakening Mono Lake
Little Sentinel; Fuji GW690ii, Portra 400

Fisher. Lake Malawi

I took this shot on our second and last day up on the plateau of the Bale Mountains National Park, just before we drove down to Hawassa. It's been amazing to be up there in such a wonderful, unique, and harsh environment, and to see these beautiful creatures that live up there. The elevation on the plateau is above 3000 meters and we went up to about 4370 meters on Mount Tullu Demtu, Ethiopia's second highest mountain. The low rocks and shrubs were no obstacles to the winds that haunted us. Windchill, rain, and hail turned down the felt temperatures quite a bit, but brief spells of sunshine in between made for nice contrasts. We plan to come back to the Bale Mountains, but next time we will stay for at least six days and do a trek on horseback from camp to camp. This will allow us to be up in the park for longer periods of time. On our recent trip we had to be out of the park at 5 p.m. and in the morning we first had to drive up, which took valuable time. And with the slow speed of the horses, we hope to see even more animals.